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German is one of the world’s major languages. It is the most widely spoken first language in the European Union.

It is amongst the three working languages of the European Commission, along with English and French.

It is the official language of Austria, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.

The German language can connect you to more than 100 million native speakers around the world.

It is the third most widely spoken language after English.

It is a language isolate (i.e., a language unrelated to any other language) and one of the world’s major languages, with more than 127 million speakers in the early 21st century.

It is primarily spoken throughout Japan.

There are also around 1.5 million Japanese immigrants and their descendants living abroad, who have varying degrees of proficiency in Japanese. 

French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family.

As the mother tongue of 29 countries and ranked within the top 10 most-spoken languages around the world, it is also the second most widely taught language globally after English and one of the most frequently used tongues on the Internet.

The French language boasts an immense community of 340 million speakers.


Mandarin is the most widely spoken language in the world, with over 1.4 billion speakers.

It is also the second most used language on the internet.

“Chinese language” is a too broad and vague term; China is home to various tongues and dialects, many of which are mutually unintelligible.

Simplified Chinese (Written) and Standard Chinese or often called Mandarin.

Mandarin is the most widely spoken first or native language in the world.

Spanish is a phonetic language which means it is a fairly simple language for novices to learn, especially when it comes to spelling and speaking.

It is the mother tongue of an estimated 400 - 450 million people, making it the world's second most spoken language.

Spanish enjoys official language status in 21 countries across Europe, Africa, Central, South and north America, making it a very important Global language.

Many international companies and organisations have adopted Spanish as one of their official languages.


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